Wednesday, November 7, 2007

My True Passion

Michael Jordan
English 101.002
Essay #3
1,208 Words

It is just me and nature. It is early morning when the sun is peaking over the horizon. It is the evening when the sun is fading away and the darkness follows. It is me, my pole, and the water. This is my passion, fishing.
I have been fishing since I was a young boy. I lived in the city when I was younger. Fishing was something that only happened a few times a year. My father would take me fishing at my aunt and uncle’s house. It was a small pond, only about a quarter of an acre. It was an older pond, stocked with bass and bluegill. I never really liked fishing as a young boy. I never quite understood why anyone would sit there and enjoy fishing. My dad tried and tried to teach me to be patient. My cousin and I got so bored. We would always end up playing tag next to the pond, instead of fishing. This went on for many years. My father kept taking me, and I hated it.
The summer after my sixth grade year, my parents decided to move out to Trafalgar. Trafalgar is a small farm community. There is not much to do in the middle of a bunch of fields. Our old house sold faster than what we expected it. We did not have enough money at the time to rent out an apartment, until our new house was finished. We ended living in our camper for almost four months. That was the whole summer and the beginning of my seventh grade year. Throughout the summer the living quarters were tight in the twenty- four foot trailer. I am an outdoors type person. I could not stand sitting in the camper every day. One day I decided I would go out and try to find something to do. Like I said, there really is not too much out there. The one thing that was there was my neighbor’s pond. It was about fifty yards from our camper. That is when I decided to give fishing another shot. My dad was not the one telling me to try it this time. It was all my decision for once. I went out to the pond and caught a few fish. At the time it was just something to do to get out of the cramped quarters of the camper. Fishing started to grow on me over the rest of that summer. Every time I went out to fish, the more I started loving it. I have been fishing ever since that day.
Fishing is a passion that will never let go. I am obsessed with fishing, and I think I will feel this way for the rest of my life. It is kind of hard because I have been limited to the time I am able to fish over the past year. I had a job over the summer. It was good money, but it took a lot of time away from fishing. I worked over forty hours every week. Any time I was not working I was going fishing. My friend and I walked Sugar Creek about five times this summer. It is really fun to walk the creek, because it is hot outside, but the water is cool. We caught a few smallmouths out of the creek throughout the summer. Smallmouths are a blast to catch because they fight like crazy. I also fished quite a few times in the pond in front of my house. Since I worked so much, I fished at my house before and after I got off work. My father and I would go out in our john boat almost every night. We would fish until it got too dark to see. We had competitions every night to see who could catch the most. I usually won, but he is a pretty good fisherman. My boss lives right next to me, so we also go fishing together. He is really cool, and we went fishing a bunch together this past summer. We fished at my next door neighbor’s house a bunch of times. We also fished at the creek.

My neighbor and I went to the Bass Pro Shop in Clarksville about ten times this summer. It is officially the best store ever created. It has everything any fisherman would ever need. So much of my money from the summer went to that store. I bought so many different baits. Bass Pro Shop has any bait that you could ever imagine. After I came down to college I lost even more time to go fishing. Now that I am in classes and getting homework every day, it is even harder to find a time to go out to fish. I miss fishing. I have only gone fishing once since I have been down here. I fished at the lake behind the language arts building. The lake is very nice. It has a lot of fish in it, and the good thing is that they bite. I only fished for about thirty minutes, and I caught two nice size bass. I had many little bites, but did not catch all of them. It was a great time. It was nice to be able to get away from thinking about classes for a while by going fishing. Fishing is such a stress reliever. It takes my mind off of everything else. It is so peaceful to be able to go out and just fish by yourself. It is nice because you don’t have to talk to anyone, and the better part is there is no one talking to you. I wish there was more time in the day, so I could go fishing every day. If it was up to me I would love to quit school and just fish for the rest of my life. I would love to become a professional fisherman. Professional Fishermen have the best job imaginable. They get to go fishing every day. I think the best thing about being a professional fisherman would be getting everything free. They get everything for free. They get boats, trucks, tackle, rods, and reels. The cool thing about it is the get all of the best equipment there is. I would love to have a bass boat. That is pretty much my biggest dream in life. I hope that I can become wealthy enough to have a nice truck and a bass boat. I would also love to live on a lake or have my own small lake when I become older. I would try to fish every single night if I lived on a lake.
It is getting up early in the morning. It is watching the sun come up over the horizon. It is watching the sun go down and the night set in. It is my greatest passion, fishing. Something I will love for the rest of my life.

Monday, November 5, 2007

My Passion

Everyone has a passion or hobby. I actually have a lot of hobbies. I love to play football. I also like basketball. I also have a few others, but one thing sticks out in my mind when I think about this. Fishing is my passion in life. Ever since I was a young boy I have been fishing. My dad always has liked to fish and it is one of his hobbies that he passed onto me. I went fishing with my dad at my aunt's house. They had a pond back behind the house. It was a small pond, maybe a quarter of an acre. The pond had a lot of fish in it though. They had bass and bluegill. I never really liked going with my dad when I was younger. It seemed so pointless to sit there and wait for a fish to bite your hook. My cousin and i would just mess around most of the time while our lines sat out in the water. I think I hated fishing as a kid because I was so impatient. I also believe that another reason I did not like it was because I grew up in the city as a young boy. I went on fishing with my father for the next few years. It never seemed to grow on me when I was living in the city. My parents then decided to move out of the city to a small farm town called "Trafalgar". We moved there the summer before seventh grade. Our house we had up for sale sold before our new house was built. We didn't have enough money to rent an apartment. We ended up living in our camper for three months, until our house was compleated. That was the whole summer, which was a long time for four people to live in a twenty-four foot trailer. The camper was packed. We were all cramped and the quarters were close. I hated sitting in the camper all of the time, so I tried finding something outside to do. The only thing that was remotely close to our camper was my new next-door neighbors pond. I decided that I would give fishing a chance on my own. My dad was not dragging me out there to do it this time. It was all my idea and I made the decision to try it. It was one of the best things that ever happened to me. I ended up catching a bunch of fish. It seemed so fun to me. I was outside, and i was enjoying it. I fished day in and day out the rest of that summer. I have been hooked on fishing ever since that day. I love fishing because there is so much that you can love about it. It is very calming. When I go fishing it takes my mind off of anything else that is going on at that time in my life. If a bad day comes along I always know that fishing is one thing that I can do to make it better. I have been fishing soo many times, that there is no way i could count all of them. I fish just about any time I can. We have a pond out in our front yard that is stocked with fish. My family and I enjoy going out together and having tournaments or just fishing for fun. I love having the pond in the front yard because we use it so much. We have people over all of the time to go fishing. I also fish across the street from my house. One of my friends from high school lives right across the road from me. They have three ponds. Each one is about an acre to and acre and a half. He and I fish all of the time. We fished the pond behind his house so much one summer that the fish began getting smart enough to quit biting. I also have a few other friends that enjoy fishing just as much as I do. Zac is my roomate this year. He is one of my best friends from high school. We fished together so much this summer. We usually went to a place called "Painted Hills" to go fishing. There are two big lakes at Painted Hills. We usually went to the bigger of the two to go fishing. His stepdad has a bassboat that he would let us take when we went to that lake. Fishing on a bass boat out on the lake this summer was some of the best times I have ever had in my life. It was me, my best friend, and the water. No one was there to tell us what to do. We did what we wanted and enjoyed every minute of it. We fished the lake many times throughout the summer, and those are times that I will never forget. Now that I am in college it is hard to find the time to do what I love. I miss not being able to go out in the front yard and fish until dark after I get off school. I have fished once since I have been down here. I brought my pole and tackle box because I knew there were two lakes on the campus. I had a little luckwhile i was fishin here, but it was not the best. I got a lot of little bites, but i ended up catching two. I wish there was more time during the day so i could take at least a few casts every day. I miss the sport of fishing quite a bit. Fishing is soo relaxing. When you go fishing there is nothing else you have to worry about other than catching fish. Fishing is a passion that will never die away in me. I will always love fishing and nothing will come between me and fishing. My dream is that one day i will have a nice truck with a bass boat being pulled behind it. That would make me happy for the rest of my life.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

The University of Southern Indiana in a Hundred Years
The University of Southern Indiana will probably be drastically different in 100 years. A hundred years is a long time. Many changes will take place in the next hundred years. This college will probably be very high tech. The students will probably drive cars that convert into planes. These cars are going to be awesome. They will fly at around two hundred miles an hour. They will be the type of plane that can just take off from a still position. Students will be able to get the car/plane in whatever color you could ever dream of. They will also have cell phones that can do anything they want them to do. The students will be dressed in the weirdest looking clothes, but that will be the style in a hundred years. The students will also have robots that do everything for them. The robots will be around $2,000 for a brand new one. They will do the students homework. It will clean up their dorm room. The robot will also cook anything they want. The Loft and University Center will be gone. No one will ever know there was a Burger King, or any other restaurants on this campus. There will be no more teachers. The teachers will be replaced by either robots or computers. The classes that have robots that teach them will be really sophisticated. The robot will be able to move around the class. It will also be able to tell when anyone in the class is cheating. The robot will also hand out work and also collect it from the students. You will have to have a 4.0 to get into any classes that have robots as teachers. If you are not smart enough to get into those classes then you will just be put in a class with a bunch of computers. The computers will teach the student everything. The computer will also give the student their grades. The computers will have all of the tests and finals installed on them. These classes will be really complicated, but quite easy. The biggest change over the next hundred years is going to be that students will only have to go to school for two years. Two year colleges will be the only colleges to chose from. The University of Southern Indiana is also going to be drastically larger. The campus is going to be huge. Probably, ten to fifteen times bigger than what it is now. The University of Southern Indiana is going to buy out the east side of Evansville. That way the students will never have to go off campus to get hardly anything. The Wal-Mart will be right in the heart of the campus. The campus will be so great in size that students will be forced to drive their plane/car to all classes and events. Sports at the University of Southern Indiana in the next hundred years is going to be huge. The athletes are going to be division one athletes. They will probably be paid by the school to play here. Men’s Basketball is going to be huge here in one hundred years. The athletes are going to be so big and strong. The basketball team will also play in a huge field house called “The Eagles Nest”. It will be one of the nicest field houses in the state of Indiana. It will seat about seventy-thousand. Students will be offered discounted season tickets. The players will have the best equipment. They will be able to get any shoe they want. The Jerseys will be the best of the best. The players will also get sweat suits for away games and, also a one of a kind duffle bags. The duffle bags will have a built in I-pod. Football is another sport that the University of Southern Indiana is going to have in a hundred years. Football is going to be the most popular sport on the campus. The University of Southern Indiana football team will consist of about one-hundred and twenty-five players. The players will be the best of the best athletes. They are going to be so good. They will also be paid to be an athlete at the university. The football team will be the best team in the nation. They will be huge. People will be coming from all over the country to see the University of Southern Indiana football team. The stadium that the football team will play in in one hundred years is going to be huge. It will be as nice as the new Lucas Oil Stadium that is being constructed right now for the Indianapolis Colts. It will seat around ninety-five thousand people. The field will have the best turf you could imagine. At the fifty yard line there will be a huge image of an eagle. The end zones will be painted blue, with white lettering that says, “Eagles”. The equipment that will be given to the student athletes will be the best you can buy. The pads will be up to date. The helmets will be so high tech. The helmets will be heated when it is cold outside. They will have a fan to cool the athlete down when it is hot. The best feature of the new helmet will be the I-pod. The I-pod will be installed in the helmet to last forever. It will have a battery that never goes dead. The helmet will have a stand that u put it on to install new songs onto it. Overall, the University of Southern Indiana will be drastically different in one hundred years. The campus will be greatly larger. The sports will be so much bigger. The classrooms will be way more sophisticated. Lastly, there will be no teachers on the campus in a hundred years.