Monday, December 10, 2007

Semester Reflection

English 101.002
Word Cout: 874

Looking back on this past semester, many thoughts run through my head. I think about how at the beginning of the semester everything hit me so fast. I also think about the changes I have dealt with now living on my own. Along with that I had to make the choice for myself on whether I would go to class or skip. College in general has been a big scenery change from going from a house to living in a small room with three roommates. However, of all the changes the course work has been the biggest adjustment.

The first day of classes began, and I felt so awkward knowing that I was now in college. Everything seemed to be happening so quickly. Welcome Week was already over and college courses were now part of everyday life. Professors were handing out course syllabuses, and I took everything in, while deep down inside I felt a bit overwhelmed. I went on trying to keep up with the fast pace of college classes. It seemed to me that things that took three weeks to learn in high school would only take one or two classes in college. I went on doing everything asked of me, trying to impress all of my professors. Work seemed to come at me from every direction. We were getting speeches assigned in speech class, papers to write in English, and tests in both math and history. I felt so overwhelmed with all of the work that seemed to be piling up on my plate. I worked through it one assignment at a time. Everything that was asked of me during the first few weeks showed me that I was going to have to take this seriously.

At first, it was really weird living on my own at college. I had been away from my parents before, but only for around a week. It was weird because at home my parents were always there for me if I had any questions or problems I needed help solving. I had to learn to solve my problems on my own. I could call my parents and talk to them over the phone, but it just was not the same as them being there next to me. I was never really homesick, but I did feel a bit lonely. I believe what made the transition easier was knowing that I had friends from high school down here with me. I felt that if I needed anyone for anything that one of my friends would be there for me.

Another big change for me over the first semester was the fact that I decided if I was going to make it too class or not. As a college student I was responsible for myself. The professors are not like high school teachers, they do not run around the campus trying to find you for their class. It was just weird knowing I was the one who decided if I was going to class or not. I learned to be responsible for myself in high school, so the decision for me going to class was not hard. I only missed one of my classes throughout the whole first semester. It was a math class, and I regret missing it because I did not even have a good reason.

College life in general was another great change. Throughout high school I would always go to bed around 9:00 or 10:00 pm. Now that I am in college, I usually go to bed no earlier than 12:30 am. College life is just so much different than high school life. I usually never spent much time in my bedroom at home in high school, which is totally opposite of how it is now. Throughout the first semester I have spent hours upon hours in my room. I also have to keep the room clean because I am in it so much. At home my room was only where I slept. My home this past semester has been my dorm room, so I have had to keep it clean since I spend so much time in it. College life is quite different, and I experienced this throughout the first semester.

College courses are the greatest change that I have noticed over this past semester. I think professors expect quite a bit from their students. Professors give out lots of work, and the work is usually in depth and hard. I just had a hard time getting all of the work done in the time limit the professors gave. Throughout the semester it began to get easier because I learned how to get the work done in a more efficient way and I became better at time management.

Overall, college has been a life changing experience that continues to change everyday. This first semester has been difficult, but I have adjusted to the changes and will continue to better myself. Even though it has been difficult without my family I will always have my friends to give me the support that I need. College is definitely different from what I was expecting, however, this first semester has been a great experience.

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