Monday, December 10, 2007

My Passion Revised

English 101.002
English Essay #3 Revised
Word Count: 1211

It is just me and nature. It is early morning when the sun is peaking over the horizon. It is the evening when the sun is fading away and the darkness follows. It is me, my pole, and the water. This is my passion, fishing. I have been fishing since I was a young boy. I lived in the city when I was younger, and fishing was something that only happened a few times a year. My dad would take me fishing at my aunt and uncle’s house. There was a small pond, only about a quarter of an acre. It was an older pond, stocked with bass and bluegill. I never really liked fishing when I was younger. I never quite understood why anyone would sit there and enjoy fishing for such a long time. My dad tried and tried to teach me to be patient, but my cousin and I would also get bored. We would always end up playing tag next to the pond, instead of fishing. This went on for many years. My dad kept taking me, and I kept hating it.

The summer after sixth grade my parents decided to move out to Trafalgar. Trafalgar is a small farm community, in the middle of a bunch of fields, with very little to do. Our old house sold faster than what we expected it, and we did not have enough money at the time to rent out an apartment, until our new house was finished. So, we ended living in our camper for almost four months. Those four months lasted the whole summer and the beginning of my seventh grade year. Throughout the summer the living quarters were tight in the twenty-four foot trailer. I am an outdoors type person, so I could not stand sitting in the camper everyday. One day I decided I would go out and try to find something to do. The problem however was that there is not anything to do in that area. The one thing that was there, was my neighbor’s pond. It was about fifty yards from our camper. That is when I decided to give fishing another shot. My dad was not the one telling me to try it this time. It was all my decision for once. I went out to the pond by myself and caught a few fish. At the time, it was just something to do to get out of the cramped quarters of the camper, luckily fishing started to grow on me over the rest of the summer. Every time I went out to fish, the more I started loving it. I have been fishing ever since that day.

Fishing is a passion that will never let go. I am obsessed with fishing, and I think I will feel this way for the rest of my life. It is kind of hard because I have been limited to the time I am able to fish over the past year. I had a job over the summer. It is good money, which I need with being a student, but it took a lot of time away from fishing. I worked over forty hours every week. Yet, anytime I was not working I was going fishing. My friend and I walked Sugar Creek about five times this summer. It is really relaxing to walk the creek because it would be hot outside, and the water was cool. We caught a few smallmouths out of the creek throughout the summer. Smallmouths are a blast to catch because they fight like crazy. I also fished quite a few times in the pond in front of my house. Since I worked so much, I fished at my house before I went to work and after I got off. My dad and I would go out in our john boat almost every night. We would fish until it got too dark to see. We had competitions every night to see who could catch the most. I usually won, but he is a pretty good fisherman, too. My boss lives right next to me, so we would also go fishing together. He is really cool, and we went fishing a bunch together this past summer. We fished at my next door neighbor’s house a bunch of times as well. We also fished at the creek.

After I came down to college I lost even more time to go fishing. Now that I am in classes and getting homework everyday, it is even harder to find time to go out to fish. I miss fishing. I have only gone fishing once since I have been in school. I fished at the lake behind the language arts building. The lake is very nice. It has a lot of fish in it, and the good thing is that they bite. I only fished for about thirty minutes, and I caught two nice size bass. I had many little bites, but I did not catch all of them. It was a great time. It was nice to be able to get away from thinking about classes for a while by going fishing.

Fishing is such a stress reliever. It takes my mind off of everything else. It is so peaceful to be able to go out and just fish by yourself. It is nice because you do not have to talk to anyone, and the better part is there is no one talking to you. I wish there was more time in the day so I could go fishing everyday. If it was up to me I would love to quit school and just fish for the rest of my life. I would love to become a professional fisherman. Professional fishermen have the best job imaginable. They get to go fishing everyday. I think the best thing about being a professional fisherman would be getting everything free. They get boats, trucks, tackle, rods, and reels. Even better than getting free stuff, is getting the newest and nicest stuff. I would love to have a bass boat. That is one thing that I hope to do after I am done with school. I hope that I can become wealthy enough to have a nice truck and a bass boat. I would also love to live on a lake or have my own small lake when I become older. I would fish every single night if I lived on a lake.

Fishing did not start out as my passion, but I grew to enjoy it so much I do not know how I could live without it. Fishing is my passion because I love the serenity of being by myself, just me and the lake. No one around to bother me. It is my time to be alone with nature. Fishing is what keeps me happy, and without it I think I would go crazy. Fishing is not something I want to keep to myself. Hopefully, one day I will have kids of my own that I can teach to become fishermen and to appreciate it, just like my dad tried to teach me. Fishing is not something that everyone enjoys, but I hope to help other people understand and respect the sport a little more.

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